"A manic episode is characterized by period of time where an elevated, expansive or notably irritable mood is present, lasting for at least one week. These feelings must be sufficiently severe to cause difficulty or impairment in occupational, social, educational or other important functioning and can not be better explained by a mixed episode. Symptoms also can not be the result of substance use or abuse (e.g., alcohol, drugs, medications) or caused by a general medical condition." (medical source)
If you find anyone of these symptoms in yourself then you are a manic. It is also said that the person suffering should not be treated as a patient but rather it is also sometimes found in persons having great artistic abilities. Although the person finds it hard to get accustom to the social society because of his or her behavior which is continuously changing and hard to be understood but the person is harmless.
The difficult situation arises when we have to have a perception about a manic person. He is never mad. 'Mad' is a relative term, commonly used to define people who are hard to be understood. And often those for whom we are of no match. As indictaed a person having manic disorder is always indulged in goal oriented tasks. They are busy in their life full of goals they have set for themselves. They are busy contemplating the world which seems just marvelous through their eyes which can see the beauty in the vain grain of sand; becaus eof their artistic abilities and other abilities they are endowed with. Simply we find them different, very different indeed.
The purpose of this post is not more just the words to be said and are to be written.
The difficult situation arises when we have to have a perception about a manic person. He is never mad. 'Mad' is a relative term, commonly used to define people who are hard to be understood. And often those for whom we are of no match. As indictaed a person having manic disorder is always indulged in goal oriented tasks. They are busy in their life full of goals they have set for themselves. They are busy contemplating the world which seems just marvelous through their eyes which can see the beauty in the vain grain of sand; becaus eof their artistic abilities and other abilities they are endowed with. Simply we find them different, very different indeed.
The purpose of this post is not more just the words to be said and are to be written.